21 June 2021

Not only is exercise considered safe during pregnancy, but it is also actually recommended!

A postnatal cardiovascular program should work alongside training of your pelvic floor and core muscles so make sure you book into our spin class specifically designed for new mums and mums to be.  Its low-impact and will get your heart moving.

For new mums it is a great way to get back into exercise bring your baby along to the session a fantastic cardio workout – Its highly effective at burning calories and building up your overall fitness.  Babies welcome from 6 weeks to pre walking.

  1. Low-impact aerobic exercise
  2. Non weight bearing exercise
  3. No rode hazards like bumps or collisions
  4. Take control of your own workout depending on your trimester or how you are feeling!
  5. Efforts can be as short or long as you like.

During pregnancy we recommend:

First trimester: Light resistance, longer duration.

Second trimester: Lower cadence, higher resistance, hill workouts. You may feel a surge of energy in your second trimester but continue to monitor your heart rate and ensure you can carry on a short conversation while exercising.

Third trimester: Quick, easy rides just to keep your body moving.